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LH International Participate in the Plant Protection Communication Conference in 2016
Added:2016-12-01     Views:1229

20th August, LH International Participate in the Communication Conference in 2016 Held by the Plant Protection Organization, Agricultural science institute in Bayannur, Plant protection in Bayannur, the agriculture technology and popularization center in Wuyuan County, and the agriculture technology and popularization center in Qianqi carried this meeting.

During the conference there are many leaders have a speech and

Put forward important suggestion, they are Deputy Wuyuan County

Chief Dong Jianguo, Farming and animal husbandry bureau deputy director general in Bayannur Xing jun, Inner Mongolia Association for science.

And technology institute minister Su Yalai,, Inner Mongolia foreign specialist deputy section chief Dou Chunmei, Inner Mongolia Agricultural academy of Sciences agronomist Zhang Jianzhong, and plantprotection institute president of a council Bai Quanjiang.

This meeting surrounding orabranch and how to prevent orabranch,

gene mutation, the new tool to prevent orabranch. Sunflower orabranch stimulate the outer environment change, and the new skill of sunflower orabranch prevention.

After the meeting, all of the people arrived the orabranch resistance

test fields, during this time, the variety Xin Nong 177 has achieved

great praise among all of the specialist.

Xinnong 177:

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