Home > > Confection Sunflower Varieties Confection Sunflower Varieties
Confection Sunflower Varieties
Charicteristics :





一、 轮作倒茬:前茬为小麦、玉米、瓜类等农作物较理想。向日葵不宜连作,连作会导致病害发生,减产甚至绝产。

二、 施足底肥:一般亩施尿素20公斤,磷肥100公斤或二铵20公斤,硫酸钾15公斤底肥。或使用生物肥料营养素40公斤;也可亩施2000-3000公斤农家有机肥做底肥。

三、 播种密度:西部地区建议亩保苗2100-2300/亩,东部地区建议亩保苗1300-1500/亩。

四、 播种时间:要求125px地温稳定超过8℃时即可播种。春播一般在5月20日-6月20日播种为宜。


Authorized NO:Inner Mongolia approved sunflower 2011012

The growth period of T9938 is 105 days, height 4250px, average stem diameter 3.1 cm, good uniformity, disk inclination3-5 degree,disk diameter about 21.1 cm, grain long oval, black and white edge, grain length above 50px, width 22.5px, HGW 14.8g. Full grain, high seed setting rate, high yield, average yield can get 250kg, around high water and fertilizer conditions with fertile field, properly managed, the yield can be increased to more than 300 kg.

Cultivation techniques:

1. Crop rotation: The ideal method is we planted wheat, corn, melon and other crops in the first year. The sunflower not suitable for continuous cropping, continuous cropping will lead to the occurrence of disease, cuts or even.

2.Enough base fertilizer: 20 kg urea , 100 kg phosphate fertilizer or 20 kg diammonium, 15 kg potassium sulfate per mu for base fertilizer. Or use the bio fertilizer nutrient 40 kg, also we can use 2000-3000 kg farm organic fertilizer as base fertilizer.

3.Planting density: We advised planting 2100-2300 plants per mu in the west region of China, planting 1300-1500 plants per mu in the East region of China.

4.Sowing time: 125px soil temperature stability exceed 8 , the seed can be sown in May 20th-June 20th.

Suitable Areas :