Home > > Pumpkin for Seeds Pumpkin for Seeds
Pumpkin for Seeds
Fufeng NO.1
Charicteristics :


特征特性:该品种是最新选育的高产抗病产籽型专用西葫芦品种,是针对新疆、内蒙古、甘肃等地生态气候环境,利用国外西葫芦材料系统选育杂交一代新品种。生育期115天左右,植株生长旺盛,蔓长50-70厘米;座瓜节位在5-7节,叶片掌状、缺刻较深,叶色深绿有银斑,综合抗病性好。果实长桶圆形,成熟后呈黄色,皮硬;平均单株座老熟瓜2-3个,单瓜重2.5-3.5公斤。籽粒长圆形,皮乳白仁深绿,长1.3厘米,宽1.1厘米,单瓜产籽420粒左右,千粒重210克。含粗蛋白31.04%,粗脂肪43.27 %。籽粒大,色泽光亮,适宜食用、加工等多种用途,平均亩产籽粒150-180公斤左右,按照相应的技术操作种植最高亩产可达200kg以上。










Fufeng Yi Hao


The variety is selected from high yield and disease resistance pumpkin for seeds. Its focused on the climate environment of Xinjiang、Inner Mongolia and Gansu province. We were selecting and breeding the new generation hybrid seeds using the foreign material system. The growth period of this variety is about 105 days, plants grow vigorously and the vine length at 50-1750px, the pumpkin sitting at the 5-7 stages, the leaf blade like a pump, and the green leaves with some silver spots,a good comprehensive disease resistance. The fruit performs a oval, yellow after maturing, and the peel hard. Average individual plant has old ripe pumpkin 2-3, single pumpkin weight 2.5-3.5kg. The shape of seeds are long oval, shall performs milky white, kernel dark green, length 32.5px, width 27.500000000000004px. An individual pumpkin seeds can get about 420. Thousand kernel weight 210g. It has crude protein 31.4%, crude fat 43.27%. The seeds are very big, and have a very blight colour, so it can be eat directly, process and so on. This variety is high yield, average mu produce seeds weight 150-180kg, and on the basis on the according planting technique average mu yield can get 200kg.

Cultivation technique guide:

Soil selection: Selected the high quality loam or sandy loam soil with deep soil layer.

Sowing time: when you sowing the seeds, the minimum temperature need no more than 10 ℃, 10 cm deep soil temperature above 5 ℃, we recommended sowing at April 15th - May 10th.

Planting density: covering plastic after ridging, ridge ditch 1.0-1.2 meters wide, 0.6 meters wide, 0.3 meters deep groove, row spacing 0.38-0.4 meters, average mu need to guarantee 2300 plants.

Pest control:Aphids are major pests, we should pay a high attention to the them, once it has occurred, we can use the quinazoline and acetamiprid to prevent.

Dried seeds: After harvest, please avoid the clay, appropriate harvest delay 15-20 days, can increase by about 10%.

Suitable Areas :