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Maize Varieties
Mong Forage 1812
Charicteristics :






Mong Forage 1812


The growth period this variety is 127 days, plant type semi-compact, plant height 7875px, ear height 3875px, The average number of green leaves at harvest was 18, good quality, neutral detergent fiber content 42.48%, acid detergent fiber content 18.73%, crude protein 8.74%, planting density 5000 plants/mu, Biological output can reach 8 tons.

Sowing time: When the topsoil temperature above 8is for early sowing, In the area of the first accumulated temperature zone should be sown in April 20th -May 10th .

Fertilizing and Watering: The variety has a high requirements for water and fertilizer. In the whole growing period should pay attention to timely fertilization and watering. Average mu need basic fertilizer 40kg, and 40kg in the growing period separating fertilization in twice.

Suitable Areas :